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Why become a member of BMCR?

  • We promote traditional mole catching at national level in the UK and support our members to develop and grow their business.
  • We have a dedicated marketing and social media team to ensure we achieve the best visibility for all of our members.
  • Becoming a member of BMCR gives you access to mole catching support and advice through our closed Facebook Page

The British Mole Catchers Register is open to all full and part time mole catchers in the UK

The British Mole Catchers Register is a guaranteed source to generate work and income and is a comprehensive database of mole catchers throughout the UK.

The BMCR is a dedicated site for traditional mole catchers and is intended to bring all British traditional mole catchers together.

By joining the BMCR you can exchange questions and ideas with one another, share experiences and network. This is proven to maximise individual and collective knowledge, efficiency and profitability within your business.

Being a member of BMCR offers you extensive national coverage in social media under the umbrella of BMCR. Being part of a nationally recognised and respected organisation, enhances and strengthens your identity.

This register gives the public and businesses a ‘one stop shop’ for finding a mole catcher online, irrespective of where they are in the UK. It is open to competent persons who are skilled in traditional mole catching methods, using traps.

You may be full or part time and have other skills; but make your living from traditional mole catching techniques.

BMCR membership Fee

Annual membership is £95 per year, which includes a full listing on our website, currently attracting thousands of visitors per month. This is growing weekly as BMCR’s media team, continue to extend and promote its presence throughout the UK.

Many visitors are new customers, anxious to find a mole catcher in their area.

Our all inclusive fee is, per organisation or sole trader, which, at 26 pence per day, is excellent value for national coverage of your business. (Please note: once paid, this fee is non-refundable. In addition, to protect the reputation of the British Mole Catchers Register, failure to comply with and uphold our Code of Conduct and Practice can result in termination of membership). 



“ I have been a member of British Mole Catchers for 7 years and have thoroughly enjoyed being part of a respected and recognised UK organisation. I have used the logo on my van and on my business cards to show that I am a member. ”

Phil Ashman
Norfolk BMCR member

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